Westfield Nursery School
Westfield Road Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1DL Tel: 01582 608650 Email: [email protected] Head Teacher - Mrs Elizabeth Collins |
At Westfield Nursery School, our aims for the Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy are to:
- Identify those pupils with SEND is as soon as possible and put in appropriate support
- Work in partnership with parents/ carers and that they are kept fully informed about their child’s learning
- Give children a suitably differentiated curriculum ensuring access to a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils.
- Manage SEND with full regard to the SEND Code of Practice 2015
- Ensure all members of staff are aware of their responsibilities towards those with SEND.
- Support pupils with SEND participating in all aspects of school life and the nursery is an inclusive environment
SEND Statement 2022-2023 | |
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The SENDCo for the Nursery is Mrs Collins, she can be contacted on the telephone number above.
How does the school know if children/young people need additional help?
There are some children who are identified as having additional needs that can not be met through basic classroom differentiation. These children would require support in order to make progress during their time at Westfield Nursery. There are a range of ways in which these needs can be identified such as:
What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
If you are concerned about your child and think they may need extra help you can talk to the class leader and other teaching staff at Westfield or you can see Mrs Andrews, the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo).
How will school staff support my child?
If your child has been identified as having additional needs they will require a SEND Support Plan that will record information about your child and their long and short term outcomes in order to help them make progress. The class leader and/ or the SENDCo will meet with you to agree on targets for your child in order to help them progress at Westfield Nursery and to complete the SEND Support Plan. The targets will relate to your child’s specific needs and will be shared with staff working with your child. The SENDCo and class leader will also take into account information and advice given to them from external agencies and if professionals from the healthcare sector or Social Care are involved with your child they will be asked to contribute to the SEND Support Plan.
How will I know how my child is doing?
The short term outcomes on the SEND Support Plan will be reviewed at least termly, but can be reviewed before this if a child has already achieved a target to ensure your child continues to make good progress. You will be invited to the review meeting to discuss the progress your child has made, both at school and at home. You will be able to book a parent/carer consultation appointment once a term to discuss your child’s progress with the class teacher and staff will often share information about your child with you on a daily basis when you drop off or pick up your child up. We operate an open door policy at Westfield Nursery, so if you have any questions regarding your child’s progress please ask to see a member of staff.
How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs?
Staff at Westfield are skilled in planning activities that will be suitable to meet a range of abilities and needs. Staff will also adapt provision and learning opportunities in order to follow advice given to them from other professionals. If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan then the objectives from this will be met within the nursery setting.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
Staff continually monitor children’s well-being as a whole school approach and also complete observations that specifically involve recording a child’s well being. Your child will have a key worker who will monitor their well-being and will ensure there are activities that are fun and accessible to them.
There are some children who are identified as having additional needs that can not be met through basic classroom differentiation. These children would require support in order to make progress during their time at Westfield Nursery. There are a range of ways in which these needs can be identified such as:
- Concerns raised by parents/carers
- Concerns raised by nursery staff
- Concerns raised by previous childcare or educational provision
- If a child is working well below national expectations
- Concerns or a diagnosis made by health care staff or external agencies
What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
If you are concerned about your child and think they may need extra help you can talk to the class leader and other teaching staff at Westfield or you can see Mrs Andrews, the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo).
How will school staff support my child?
If your child has been identified as having additional needs they will require a SEND Support Plan that will record information about your child and their long and short term outcomes in order to help them make progress. The class leader and/ or the SENDCo will meet with you to agree on targets for your child in order to help them progress at Westfield Nursery and to complete the SEND Support Plan. The targets will relate to your child’s specific needs and will be shared with staff working with your child. The SENDCo and class leader will also take into account information and advice given to them from external agencies and if professionals from the healthcare sector or Social Care are involved with your child they will be asked to contribute to the SEND Support Plan.
How will I know how my child is doing?
The short term outcomes on the SEND Support Plan will be reviewed at least termly, but can be reviewed before this if a child has already achieved a target to ensure your child continues to make good progress. You will be invited to the review meeting to discuss the progress your child has made, both at school and at home. You will be able to book a parent/carer consultation appointment once a term to discuss your child’s progress with the class teacher and staff will often share information about your child with you on a daily basis when you drop off or pick up your child up. We operate an open door policy at Westfield Nursery, so if you have any questions regarding your child’s progress please ask to see a member of staff.
How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs?
Staff at Westfield are skilled in planning activities that will be suitable to meet a range of abilities and needs. Staff will also adapt provision and learning opportunities in order to follow advice given to them from other professionals. If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan then the objectives from this will be met within the nursery setting.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
Staff continually monitor children’s well-being as a whole school approach and also complete observations that specifically involve recording a child’s well being. Your child will have a key worker who will monitor their well-being and will ensure there are activities that are fun and accessible to them.
What if my child has medical needs?
If your child has medical needs then a Care Plan will be put in place with the support from a health visitor and other professionals from the healthcare sector in consultation with the parents/carers. If your child requires medication to be administered during the nursery session then a consent form will need to be completed.
If your child has medical needs then a Care Plan will be put in place with the support from a health visitor and other professionals from the healthcare sector in consultation with the parents/carers. If your child requires medication to be administered during the nursery session then a consent form will need to be completed.
Are you worried about your child's speech? See the poster below.
Early Advice Sessions | |
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What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
We have close links with the Beehive Children’s Centre. We are able to access support from a variety of services, such as the Early Years Foundation Stage Advisory Teachers, Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists. We can make referrals to external agencies, such as the Child Development Centre (Edwin Lobo Centre) and the Early Years Support Team. We are also able to give advice about support groups or other agencies that could support you and your child.
We have close links with the Beehive Children’s Centre. We are able to access support from a variety of services, such as the Early Years Foundation Stage Advisory Teachers, Speech and Language Therapists and Educational Psychologists. We can make referrals to external agencies, such as the Child Development Centre (Edwin Lobo Centre) and the Early Years Support Team. We are also able to give advice about support groups or other agencies that could support you and your child.
What training have the staff, supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
The staff at Westfield have a range of experiences working with children with a range of additional and complex needs. They have attended a variety of courses and have received support and advice from external professionals. Where necessary appropriate training will be sought in the future as the need arises and staff will be kept up to date with new policies and legislation via staff meetings led by the SENDCo.
The staff at Westfield have a range of experiences working with children with a range of additional and complex needs. They have attended a variety of courses and have received support and advice from external professionals. Where necessary appropriate training will be sought in the future as the need arises and staff will be kept up to date with new policies and legislation via staff meetings led by the SENDCo.
How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
If your child has an SEND Support Plan then there will be information on this about what you can do to support child achieving their short and long term outcomes. Also during the initial meeting and review meetings the class leader and/or SENDCo will be able to discuss with you what you can do at home to support your child with their targets as well as wider learning opportunities. Your child’s key worker or class teacher will be able to give you ideas on how to support your child’s learning at home. As part of a whole school approach your child will be given home learning tasks that they can engage in with your support and will be able to borrow a wide variety of books that they can take home to read and talk about with you.
If your child has an SEND Support Plan then there will be information on this about what you can do to support child achieving their short and long term outcomes. Also during the initial meeting and review meetings the class leader and/or SENDCo will be able to discuss with you what you can do at home to support your child with their targets as well as wider learning opportunities. Your child’s key worker or class teacher will be able to give you ideas on how to support your child’s learning at home. As part of a whole school approach your child will be given home learning tasks that they can engage in with your support and will be able to borrow a wide variety of books that they can take home to read and talk about with you.
Where can I get further information?
If you would like the dates for the next Speech and Language drop-in sessions please speak to your child’s teacher.
Central Bedfordshire Local Offer
Further information can be found on the Central Bedfordshire Council website where the local offer outlines further support and services that are available for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The link is as follows: https://localoffer.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/kb5/centralbedfordshire/directory/home.page
Central Bedfordshire SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and disability Information, Advice and Support Service). Do you have an interest in Special educational needs and disability (SEND)? CB SENDIASS offers free, confidential and impartial advice to support young people with SEND and their families. Families often need us when they are unsure or disagree with decisions being made about their education and SEN support. Contact [email protected] or phone 0300 300 8088 or visit the website https://cbsendiass.org/
If you would like the dates for the next Speech and Language drop-in sessions please speak to your child’s teacher.
Central Bedfordshire Local Offer
Further information can be found on the Central Bedfordshire Council website where the local offer outlines further support and services that are available for Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The link is as follows: https://localoffer.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/kb5/centralbedfordshire/directory/home.page
Central Bedfordshire SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and disability Information, Advice and Support Service). Do you have an interest in Special educational needs and disability (SEND)? CB SENDIASS offers free, confidential and impartial advice to support young people with SEND and their families. Families often need us when they are unsure or disagree with decisions being made about their education and SEN support. Contact [email protected] or phone 0300 300 8088 or visit the website https://cbsendiass.org/
SNAP (Special Needs Action Panel)
SNAP is a proactive independent forum of parents/ carers who all have children with SEND. See http://www.snappcf.org.uk/
Freddie and Friends
A parent lead support group based in Pages Park Pavilion, Leighton Buzzard. See https://www.freddieandfriends.org/
Snakes and Ladders
Specific free evening sessions for 2 adults, 2 children as long as one child has identified SEND needs and evidence can be provided of a recent disability living allowance (DLA) receipt. Book in advance. See https://www.snakes-and-ladders.co.uk/dunstable/playcentre-prices/
Family Fund
Family fund is a charity where a grant can be applied for required equipment or new items in the home e.g. washing machine, bed e.g. specialist car seat, buggy etc. See https://www.familyfund.org.uk/family-fund-application
SNAP is a proactive independent forum of parents/ carers who all have children with SEND. See http://www.snappcf.org.uk/
Freddie and Friends
A parent lead support group based in Pages Park Pavilion, Leighton Buzzard. See https://www.freddieandfriends.org/
Snakes and Ladders
Specific free evening sessions for 2 adults, 2 children as long as one child has identified SEND needs and evidence can be provided of a recent disability living allowance (DLA) receipt. Book in advance. See https://www.snakes-and-ladders.co.uk/dunstable/playcentre-prices/
Family Fund
Family fund is a charity where a grant can be applied for required equipment or new items in the home e.g. washing machine, bed e.g. specialist car seat, buggy etc. See https://www.familyfund.org.uk/family-fund-application
Support for pupils with Additional Needs | |
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Speech and Language Therapy Poster | |
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Neuro Developmental (NDD) Early Intervention, Support and Assessment Pathway | |
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