Westfield Nursery School
Westfield Road Dunstable Bedfordshire LU6 1DL Tel: 01582 608650 Email: [email protected] Head Teacher - Mrs Elizabeth Collins |
‘Inspired beginnings, outstanding future’
‘Inspired beginnings, outstanding future’
We aim to develop happy, considerate, independent and self-confident children and to inspire them to discover that learning through play is meaningful and fun.
We aim to develop happy, considerate, independent and self-confident children and to inspire them to discover that learning through play is meaningful and fun.
We work to achieve this by:
- children to explore a well-planned, imaginative, stimulating and challenging environment both indoors and outside.
- children to solve problems and become independent thinkers and learners, building resilience whilst working through the stages of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
- children to develop a positive self-image and attitude to learning.
- children to achieve their best socially, creatively, intellectually and physically.
- school ready behaviours.
- close parental partnership and links with the community.
- high quality education and care based on our professional knowledge of how young children learn through play.
- a welcoming, happy place where there is time for laughter and joy in learning together.
- a safe, secure and encouraging environment where it is accepted that powerful learning often involves taking risks, making a mess and making mistakes.
- opportunities for children to learn through self-chosen, independent and supported play, progressing well.
- a high quality, passionate and positive staff team.
- on-going development of the staff’s professional knowledge, understanding and practice.
- close partnership with parents/carers, who we value as children’s first and most enduring educators.
- each child, their differences and needs, respecting their family and background, giving rise to mutual respect and understanding underpinned by British values.
- the seeds of hopes and dreams.